It’s time to celebrate the things we can do…
The things that are possible – all thanks to you!
Woodlawn School families and friends,
We hope you are enjoying the fun and sun of summer. Hard to believe that it’s more than half over!
Now that the accounting books are officially closed after the June 30 fiscal year end, we wanted to give you the final numbers on a record-breaking year for the 2015 Woodlawn Annual Fund, all thanks to you.
Together, we raised a total of $163,851 – the highest amount ever raised for the Woodlawn Annual Fund. Also applause-worthy: 78.67% of Woodlawn School families contributed – the highest percentage in Woodlawn history.
Even more important than the numbers and statistics is the impact that your gifts have made. Our initial goal was $125,000 – which we committed toward hiring a school nurse; toward new uniforms as required by the NCISAA, our new athletic conference; toward a new reading program for our Lower School students; and toward professional development for our teachers.
Because you helped us surpass that initial goal – by more than 29 percent! – Woodlawn School was able to:
– Purchase a new digital learning platform called Haiku Learning, which will replace Class Pages as a more user-friendly system for sharing class content and homework, announcements, and assignments
– Purchase iPads for Lower School to integrate more technology into the classroom
– Send K-3 teachers for week-long training in the “Logic of English” this summer
Thank you for providing our students and teachers with even greater opportunities to excel, through your gift to the 2015 Woodlawn Annual Fund. We look forward to seeing what next year brings!
Meet our Leadership Team.
“We give to the Woodlawn Annual Fund because we are so appreciative of the positive influence the school has had on our lives. Our gift is our way of showing support for that influence and to help make the Woodlawn experience possible for some students that may not otherwise have access to it.”
Jay & Charlotte Neal
Parents of William ’14, Rachel ’17, & Wesley ’19
“We donate to the Annual Fund because we whole-heartedly believe in the Woodlawn School mission. Our contribution, along with many others, provides the additional opportunities necessary for the development of lifelong learners.“
Kellie & Michael Campbell
Parents of Megan ’26 & Will ’31