I write to bring you an update on our progress and planning for re-opening the campus in the fall. As you know, the public health situation in our region and throughout the southeastern US has deteriorated in the last few weeks. No doubt, it will continue to change in the seven weeks between now and the August 20th start of the school year.
Based on what we know today, we are developing four scenarios, each one based on expert guidance from the CDC, NC Department of Public Health and the school’s Health and Wellness Advisory Team, composed of three physicians, our School Nurse and members of our Administrative team.
It is our strong desire to maximize on-campus instruction for every student and maintain the highest standards of health and safety.
Our goal, no matter what, is to deliver the best learning environment for every Woodlawn student coupled with the safest possible health environment. To be ready for any scenario, and to excel in all scenarios.
I am proud – and impressed! – with the way our teachers and the admin team are designing social distancing learning scenarios that surpass the plans we are seeing from charter/public schools and other independent schools in our region. Few can match our daily, on-campus health screenings for every person, and no one can match the amazing outdoor learning spaces that have always been a vital part of the Woodlawn Way. Few, if any, will be able to match Woodlawn in terms of the time students will spend on campus, learning directly from teachers and interacting with peers.
All four scenarios include:
- Daily health screening for all who enter the campus. Guidelines and protocols for at-home prescreening for all. On-campus, every person will go through mandatory health screening.
- Refitting classrooms to facilitate social distancing requirements and investing in new technology in all classrooms to support online learning for students who are ill.
- Increased levels of hygiene. Electrostatic disinfection of all rooms every evening; a janitor on campus during the school day; all bathrooms to be cleaned multiple times throughout the day; and frequent disinfection of surfaces throughout the school day. Frequent handwashing for all. Use of Personal Protective Equipment (masks and face shields) will follow CDC and Department of Public Health protocols.
Scenario 1: No need for social distancing, we conduct classes on a normal basis. All of the health and hygiene protocols in full effect, daily. Interscholastic Athletics subject to North Carolina Independent Schools Athletic Association guidelines. Off-campus field trips on a case-by-case basis, subject to health conditions at destination.
Realistically, we must assume that Scenario 1 is a “Best Case” scenario, not likely to occur until there is a vaccine in widespread use.
Scenario 2: Moderate Social Distancing (ranging from 3 – 6 feet) in classrooms and shared spaces. This plan would allow all students (K-8) to be on campus five days per week. Grades 9 – 12 would use a hybrid schedule, alternating days of on-campus, in classroom instruction and off-campus, online instruction. Daily schedules would be modified to ensure core curriculum content is well-supported during in-class instruction. Enrichments (Physical Education, Art, Music, Life Skills, Science Lab/Gardening, Electives) would be optimized to the modified schedule.
We will make abundant use of Woodlawn’s remarkable outdoor classrooms and learning spaces. We will enhance the utility of those spaces by purchasing four large, sturdy tents that can also serve as outdoor classrooms.
Use of PPE will be mandatory for all adults on campus and for all students grades 6 – 12. All non-essential visitors, parents, and volunteers will be limited during school hours. Our teachers will also be provided with face shields. We will follow CDC and Department of Public Health protocols regarding use of face masks for students in grades K – 5. Interscholastic Athletics subject to North Carolina Independent Schools Athletic Association guidelines and their health standards. Off-campus field trips will not be permitted.
Given the present trendline in public health in our region, we cannot be certain at this point in time that we can use this plan when school resumes on August 20th. We will make a determination on August 14th, based on public health conditions.
Scenario 3: Social Distancing of 6-feet in classrooms and shared spaces. This plan would allow all students K – 6 to be on campus every day. Students in grades 7 – 12 would alternate days of on-campus, in classroom instruction and off-campus, online instruction. Daily schedules would be modified to ensure core curriculum content is well-supported during in-class instruction. Enrichments (Physical Education, Art, Music, Life Skills, Science Lab/Gardening, Electives) would be optimized to fit the modified schedule.
Use of PPE will be mandatory for all adults on campus and for all students grades 6 – 12. All non-essential visitors, parents, and volunteers will be limited during school hours. Teachers will utilize face shields. We will follow CDC and Department of Public Health protocols regarding use of PPE for students in grades K – 5. Interscholastic Athletics subject to North Carolina Independent Schools Athletic Association guidelines and health standards. Off-campus field trips would not take place.
Given the current public health environment, this scenario is the one we will most likely use to open school on August 20th.
Scenario 4: Mandatory online learning due to public health requirements and/or a specific health concern on campus (in accordance with CDC and NC Department of Public Health guidelines). If our region experiences a rise in COVID-19 cases – for example, in the winter months, during “Cold & Flu Season” – we will be ready to pivot to online instruction.
Our goal, no matter what, is to deliver the best learning environment for every Woodlawn student coupled with the safest possible health environment. To be ready for any scenario, and to excel in all scenarios.
The Woodlawn Way has always been able to do what is best for students, no matter what. Now, more than ever, the Woodlawn Way is unmatched in the quality we offer every student, every day. No matter what!
Our next update will be on July 14.
Best personal regards,
Paul Zanowski
Head of School